Why Shop with Us

We understand that that you value your 2nd Amendment Rights; we do too! In fact, it is the very foundation that our business was built on. We are a small, family owned and operated business which strives to bring you only the very best products and services. We believe that your hard earned money should only be spent on quality products that you can be proud of owning and using for years to come.

There are millions of parts and hundreds of manufacturers out there in the market today. We take the time to research and meet with manufacturers that we represent, we sell many products that are locally manufactured in the Pacific NW, and offer you a wide variety of different tactical and survival products, all in in one easy to work with website. We are proud to say that even our web host is locally owned and operated and they are a huge supporter of the 2nd Amendment.

Tap to updateWe want to become a long term partner and support you in your tactical and survival endeavors. We plan on offering more and more products as we grow. Your support and purchases with us will allow us to continue this growth, supporting more jobs in the Pacific NW, and allowing us to support even more people with their tactical and survival journey. Thank you for taking the time to read through this, and we hope to continue doing business with you for many years to come.